Webinar Replay: Why NFC Has to be More than Just About Payments

Why NFC Has To Be More Than Just Payments


March 15th: Presented By

John Devlin
Group Director, Security and ID

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MNOs are in danger of killing the goose that lays the golden egg. Since MNOs have not evolved their business models for NFC, they continue to focus on contactless payments as they struggle to identify the opportunities of NFC. They have not recognized that they are now in danger of either missing out altogether as other payment providers move in and cut them out of the loop or strangling NFC with an outdated business model and preventing payment from reaching the tipping point. A summary of the primary opportunities for additional revenue streams and applications that can be derived from NFC will be included.
This webinar will address the issues that face NFC, identifying why the technology celebrates its 10th birthday this year but has yet to gain serious commercial backing on a global scale. Points of discussion will centre around the complexities of the ecosystem and certification processes, how it can be simplified, and why service providers need to do more to communicate to retailers and consumers about the added benefit that NFC offers each group, as well as the inherent security that is built into contactless payments. Given recent stories around Google Wallet being hacked twice, technology and service providers need to be fully aware of the implication of any perceived lack of security and the harm that this could do to user uptake.